The traditional flapjack is hard to beat as a snack and fuel source when you’re cycling. Whether you’re short on time, want a vegan option, or fancy a little luxury; we’ve got a healthy flapjack recipe for you.

The oats that make up the bulk of flapjacks release their energy slowly, the sugar from the golden syrup will give you a rapid energy boost, and protein in the nut you can add will also help keep you pedalling for longer.
They taste pretty good too. Of course, one of the best things about flapjacks is experimenting with the recipes. Go for a healthy flapjack recipe and add fruit, go luxury and add chocolate, or go wild and throw in whatever you have to hand!
We’ve got a super-quick version you can whizz up in the microwave, a vegan version that tastes great, and a luxury version if you fancy a real treat mid-cycle.
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