Stretching out before and after you ride is one of the key elements in avoiding injury when cycling.
Anne Dickins and I have looked at your body-and-bike position as well as what we mean by core strength and why it’s important; this time we are focusing on stretching and flexibility.

As Anne says;
At the most basic level you need flexibility in your muscles and joints to get into a position to ride your bike comfortable.
We’ve covered the theory of how you should stretch, and why. Now it’s time for the actual stretches. We’ve got a 9 stretches that are perfect for cyclists, and will help you increase your flexibility and relieve stiffness.
Don’t forget, to help stay supple and flexible;
- Don’t slump or stay in static postures – get up and move about – your muscles will thank you for it!
- Always warm up before you stretch (5 mins gentle cycling or jogging is sufficient)
- Always stretch dynamically before exercise (by moving in and out of the stretch)
- Always stretch statically after exercise hold each stretch for about 30 seconds
- Never cause pain, numbness or pins and needles during stretches – if you have any pain just easy off the stretch. If the pain continues then consider seeing a professional for advice as there may be a structural problem