After Vulpine, purveyors of fine technical cycling apparel, announced plans back in April to expand their women’s range, we’ve been waiting with bated breath for the collection to be released.

Last week on Twitter they teased us with a few tantalising close ups of the delights in store. Now we’ve got the kit in hand ready to showcase it to the world!
Since launching Vulpine in March 2012, founder Nick Hussey has built a reputation for superb quality, attention to detail and he’s a true advocate of women’s cycling, backing Matrix Fitness Racing Academy! This dedication to producing top of the range clothing has seen his stylish, technical cycling apparel receive rave reviews from both the industry and mainstream media, and more importantly their customers.
It’s clear Nick has poured his passion and love for all things two-wheeled into this new womenswear collection. This is a clothing range you wouldn’t feel out of place wearing in Shoreditch, the Shetland Isles and everywhere inbetween.
Integrating British tailoring with performance fabrics and design details gleaned from decades of experience in cycling and design, as proven by the established men’s range, these garments don’t just look great, they work and last.
So without further ado, click through to see what wonders Vulpine have created, we’ve even included a super duper gallery at the end to whet your appetite further.
Be warned… you may just want to lock your purse away!