Just take a look at the likes of Danny Makaskill on You Tube and you’ll be left speechless as he hops on and off railings and jumps from shop roofs. But that is the very extreme end of the tricks and stunts scale!
Trials riding can be done just about anywhere, and can start with a simple wheelie in the back garden or bunny hopping a log. This portability is the real beauty of trials. You can progress and learn without having to go far from home – and it teaches great concentration and balance skills too – and really impresses your mates when they see your latest work of art on the web.
How dangerous? 5/10A few scrapes are likely, but nothing too serious.
How expensive?Trials bikes are fairly low cost. And running costs are almost zero after that.
Adult time required?Just about zero.
• Pro’s – can be done anywhere and is progressive. Low cost and, and pretty safe.
• Con’s – the day will come when they try to ride over your car.