There’s a whole other world out there online and in amongst the hashtags, fake profiles, porn bots and the incessant need for more like and followers are the diamonds in the rough, the people you want to follow, the ones that get you inspired to go ride, to do more, to be the best you and go explore the world.
Now there’s no denying that online we all tend to post the best versions of ourselves, the fun times with friends, that amazing (or every bike ride), the nights out, the adventures and travel, I mean who wants to see Barbara have her sixth breakdown of the week, Dan washing his pants, or Jen* watching paint dry (there are probably accounts full of those things and I’m not opposed to being more real) – but we want to see the fun stuff, escape the reality of the daily grind and dream of being out there riding our bikes too.
So, without further adieu, here are a small number of the many incredible women who are out there riding bikes, working in the industry and just generally being pretty awesome. You should go give them a follow if you don’t already.
Micayla Gatto

This list wouldn’t be complete without Ms Gatto; artist, rider, occasional Pinkbike presenter, content creator – you can expect to see some really inspirational stuff on Micayla’s Instagram, but there’s a chance you’ll get to see some of the weird and wonderful (like her in a T-rex outfit playing Jenga) but one thing’s for sure, she’ll be adventuring, kicking ass and doing it #FerdaGirls.
Watch Micayla’s artistically brilliant riding edit, Intersection, here.
Instagram: @micaylagatto
Twitter: @micaylagatto