

5 Things you probably didn’t know about… Juliet Elliott

She has what tattooed where?!

If women’s cycling were to have a jack-of-all-trades, then Juliet Elliott would be the Queen because this extraordinary woman can ride just about anything with two wheels and when she does, she really gives it.

Journalist, rider, racer, cat-lover, tattooed beauty, Juliet has done it all. While she’s worked tirelessly for years on her site Bikes ‘N’ Stuff, she’s also found the time to represent a number of leading brands names, as well as race, train and travel… the list really does go on. If you follow Juliet on social media, then like us, you’re probably just a tad jealous of her dedication to cycling, her ability to ride hard and, of course, her adorable fur-babies.

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For everyone who uses social media, we think we may know an individual based on what they post, and while those stories and photos are true, we know we’re not seeing the full picture. So, we decided to find out some hidden facts about Juliet Elliott…

  • “When I was little, I wanted to change my first name to Robert and my middle name to Superman. I got quite annoyed if Mum didn’t call me Robert. It had nothing to do with wanting to be a boy, it was just one of those weird things kids do. It only lasted a few months”
  • “When I drink water out of a glass I always count the number of gulps and have to stop on a ‘satisfying’ number. I couldn’t have seven gulps, for instance, that would just be so wrong! This started because I actually don’t like water so I used to count the gulps and make myself drink a reasonable amount before stopping. Now it’s a like an OCD. I don’t do it when drinking out of a bidon on the bike, it’s just out of a glass. Yes, I’m weird.”

  • “I suffer from lower back problems that can flare up overnight and when that happens, I can’t actually stand up straight, let alone ride a bike. I could be fine for months, then all of a sudden my lumber regions freeze. No one has ever discovered what the problem is so all I can do is stretch plenty to try and prevent it (whatever ‘it’ is), train in the gym to stay strong and get sports massages when my back feels like it’s getting tight.”
  • “I have ‘HELL’ tattooed inside my lip. My friend has ‘YEAH’ tattooed in hers.”

  • “I used to do ballet and play in string quartet and orchestra. At the end of primary school, I wanted to try out for the Royal Ballet School or Chetham’s (a music school). My mum had me IQ tested, saying I could go to either if I wasn’t up to much academically. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I got a high score so I stayed in mainstream education rather switching to the arts. Funny thing is, my job now is a combination of sports and creativity anyway.”

And now, we just love her so much more!

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