Yoga or Pilates
Yoga or Pilates
The merits of regular Yoga practice or Pilates are huge for cyclists.
Cycling causes muscles to become tight – particularly the quads, hamstrings, and lower back – this can play havoc with posture and other, smaller muscles, which end up taking the brunt when the tight muscles become less effective. Both Yoga and Pilates are great for stretching these muscles out – though Yoga places more emphasis on the stretching element.
Both practices also strengthen the body, through holding poses which force the muscles to work, with Pilates taking the edge in this respect. Not only that, but they both provide thinking time and in the case of Yoga, meditation.
Though people who practice Yoga or Pilates on a daily basis are kept very fit, they don’t exercise the cardiovascular system in the same way as cycling. Therefore, we’d suggest adding one to two classes a week to your schedule, but keeping up with some cardio fitness.
Tempted? Check out these Yoga and Cycling Holidays Around the World..