HIIT circuits
HIIT circuits
High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) could be used to describe super short bursts on the bike, but in this case, we’re referring to gym-style circuits.
These sessions will include short bursts of a range of exercises – burpees, jump lunges, squats and more.
This kind of training forces your body to work super hard in pretty much every direction. Dynamic plyometrics, such as burpees, force explosive movements which in turn can be hugely helpful in building core strength, and developing your sprint.
The downsides here? Well – be prepared to work very hard for a short space of time. These movements also put a lot of strain on your body, so watch out for any niggles – you don’t want to sideline yourself from cycling by jumping too hard! In addition, though you can create a circuit at home, you might also need to get to a gym for a class.