There’s no reason to let a little cold weather get in the way of your daily commute, and thankfully cycling brands agree. With lighter, thinner and warmer fabric technology on the market, you can ride comfortably and warm without that layered up Michelin man feel.
When riding in the cold, the first parts of your body to suffer its bitter wrath are the head, hands and feet. Your working body will take care of your core temperature, but your extremities are what can let you down. As soon as they go numb and start to ache, it’s game over and time to go home.

Your hands are one of the main contact points you have with your bike, so it’s important to take good care of them. Keeping them in an ideal riding position, and ensuring your hands are warm and dry is key to a comfortable ride.
How to prevent “Fizzy Fingers” on the bike
Fortunately, there are a number of thermal winter gloves on the market which keep your hands toasty and protected against the harsh elements. While winter gloves can help you grip your bars, aid feeling in your hands and prevent frostbite, these cumbersome hand prisons are good for little else.