Cycling clubs have a reputation as being competitive, unwelcoming and sometimes a bit scary – but that needn’t be the case. Joining a club provides instant access to routes, riding skills and maintenance advice passed down from more experienced riders as well as a wide social network of people to eat cake with between rides.
With growing numbers of women getting in the saddle, thanks to initiatives like Breeze and Cycletta, a high proportion of cycling clubs now have specific women’s rides as part of their schedules. For many women, this is enough, and female membership is on the rise. However, for a growing number of us the idea of joining a women’s cycling club is far more inviting.
Most women’s cycling clubs follow a similar model to traditional unisex clubs – a Saturday or Sunday ride, with one or two weekly jaunts too. Like unisex clubs, structures, leanings and attitudes vary greatly – some groups put a focus on fun, social rides whilst others promote racing and host specific training events.
Though a women’s only cycling club isn’t for everyone – being a part of a female cycling network has its benefits.