Lifestyles vary dramatically between women, of course – from the student with free time at strange hours, to the young professional with few free hours, to the mother who works around school hours. We’re all different, and most people, whether male of female need to fit their hobbies around their lives.
However, it’s not uncommon for women to feel pressure to be everywhere at once, and those with children need to organize their rides around the little ones.
Sue of Chester Fabulous Ladies explained: “I arrange a shorter Saturday morning ride because women either are or think they are busier than their male partners, they usually have to ‘sort out the kids’.”
To provide extra support for members (and non-members) who want to get their children riding, the Kent Velo Girls have also expanded to provide for ‘Kent Velo Kids’ by offering Go-Ride and Go-Race coaching, the British Cycling sessions tailored for juniors.