7. Checking

You need to be a little more vigilante in the winter with maintenance and checking parts for wear and tear. Check your chain regularly for wear, they stretch over time and if they aren’t replaced will wear out rear cassettes and chainsets too. Paying £15 or so to replace a chain regularly can save you the £100 upwards that it could cost to replace the whole of your drivetrain!
Tyres should be checked for nicks, tears or pieces of glass and stone lodged in them.
Check your brakes regularly throughout winter too. Because they have to deal with a lot more dirt and grit they can wear down more quickly and if they aren’t replaced it can be dangerous for you as a rider. It can also damage your wheel rims potentially costing you more money again.
If you’re not comfortable in doing any of the checks above yourself, schedule your bike in for more regular services over the winter at your Local Bike Shop.
It may sound like a lot to think about but once you get into the habit of carrying out these steps, we promise it will become second nature to you and your bike will love you for it!
Author of this article Bev Blakeman has been a part of the bike industry for a few years, she was the first female store manager at Evans Cycles and until recently managed a cycling cafe.