4. Saddle bag
If there is any time to carry a saddle bag and accessories it is now. At minimum you should have a spare tube, patches, pump, tyre levers and a multi tool, so if you do puncture or have a minor mechanical you can repair it to get you on your way. When replacing an inner tube remember to check that the object that caused the puncture isn’t lodged in the tyre otherwise exactly the same thing will happen again.

The saddle bag can stay on your bike permanently meaning it’s one less thing to think about when you are getting ready to go out. Don’t forget that if you use a tube or patch remember to replace it.
Your saddle bag doesn’t have to resemble a caravan, we’ve collected together all the cycling essentials small enough to stow in a teeny tiny saddle bag. We know that when you transport everything under your own steam, then small is most definitely beautiful.