It’s a majestic mountain in the north of Wales that thousands of walkers summit every year. For them, it’s all about the climb. For mountain bikers, it’s all about the descent. Though obviously you have to get to the top first.
Riding down Snowdon is an incredible experience, not least because you have to work so hard to get up there in the first place. Although you can cycle part of the way, after a while it becomes hike-a-bike territory. Once you get to the top, you can enjoy stunning views if you’re lucky with the weather, and an epic, long downhill to savour.
Obviously, it’s huge popularity with walkers means that it’s not a good idea to ride it for most of the year, and in fact there’s a voluntary agreement that mountain bikers won’t ride there between 10am and 5pm from the 1st of May to the 30th September. Stick to it!
We think this can make it all the more special, as if you want to get a ride in, you’re looking at a dawn start. This means you’ll be riding back down with the early sun shining, just in time for a tasty full Welsh breakfast. Perfect!
[Even Rachel Atherton has given it a go! Though she managed to get a lift up – surely that’s cheating 🙂 ]