Glamour magazine is seeking to raise awareness of the male bias within the world of sport with its new Say No To Sexism In Sport campaign.
First up: how awesome is that? This is a mainstream women’s fashion and lifestyle magazine, championing female involvement in sport. After such a strong 2014 for women’s cycling, it’s amazing to see the ripples of all the hard work done by so many women in the industry make an impact on the non-sporting press.
But there’s still a long way to go, of course. The magazine points out that only one of the 15 people on the UCI board is a woman. Things don’t look much better for football (3 women out of 28 FIFA board members) or tennis (no women on a board of 14).
Glamour aim to raise the profile of women’s sport and lobby for more coverage in the mainstream media, while encouraging women to get involved at every level.
They have promised to highlight ways to get involved over the course of 2015. We recommend starting now by getting on your bike!
Find out more information about the campaign here, and use the hashtag #GlamourSport to show your support.