Take ten minutes out of your day to help inform the future of cycling. The University of Westminster are asking people to complete a short survey looking at attitudes to cycle routes as part of a research project, and the results will be used by policy-makers and planners.
The research project, entitled ‘Cycling by Children and Adults‘ is being led by Dr Rachel Aldred, a Senior Lecturer in Transport at the University. A devoted cyclist herself, she is an Elected Trustee of the London Cycling Campaign, and Chair of its Policy Forum.
Dr Aldred and her team have produced an online survey that will ask people how they feel about cycling in different situations, like riding in parks or along cycle lanes, and whether people think the situations are suitable for children.
The important part here is that they are interested in hearing your views even if you don’t have children yourself.
All the responses will be collected and calculated, with the overall aim of helping policy-makers and planners learn about how to build cycle routes that are suitable for cyclists of all ages.
The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete, so you can do it over lunch or a coffee break. We’ll be spending a bit of time filling it in, as we feel that any research that can help improve infrastructure for cycling and encourage more people of all ages onto bikes is a great thing, and we hope you do too!
Complete the survey: Cycling by Children and Adults
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