A couple of weeks ago we received a message from Lesley Pinder – a pink-a-phobe cyclist planning to ride in her least favourite colour for an entire day to raise money for Breast Cancer Now.
Friends, family and strangers sponsored ‘pinkist’ Lesley and soon she found herself increasing the challenge, eventually resulting in her riding to work on a pink BMX, spending a day in the office in her pink lycra, racing an indoor Rollapaluza competition in pink, and riding 85 miles to Brighton in the same colour, feather boa and all.
She’s shared her story of three days in pink with us…
I’ve never really worn a great deal of pink. Growing up with two big brothers made me a classic Tom Boy. When I started cycling just over five years ago I was mightily annoyed to find that most bike clothing companies at that time seemed to only have the one default colour option for women: pink. Or sometimes purple. But mainly pink. And so I wore black! Partly a feminist statement, partly because I just don’t suit pink.
Even though times have thankfully changed, and a whole host of clothing and bike companies now offer kit in a joyous range of hues, I’ve still never bought myself a single piece of pink kit. Never am I happier than on the track where it can be pared down to its simplest matchy black, white and red goodness.