A true tale of adventure and friendship
All photos from http://dogontour.co.uk/
A true tale of adventure and friendship
We were so happy to hear that Maggie Scorer, a grandmother of eight and her gorgeous dog, Oscar, have completed their 5,000 mile journey around the coast of the UK.
Maggie, 65 yrs, has cycled the Great Wall of China, and sailed halfway round the world and the first time we chatted to her, she explained:
Life is for living and I like to think this might be an inspiration to other people.
Oscar, a four stone Labrador, was carried in a trailer attached to Maggie’s bike throughout the duration of this magnificent feat of distance, all to raise money for Heart, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research and Stillborn & Neonatal Deaths.
Beginning their journey in March, leaving from Suffolk they travelled northwards along the east coast in an anti-clockwise direction keeping as near to the coast as is feasibly possible. Six months later, they arrived back in their starting place with an incredible adventure under their belt and having raised an enormous £18,379 (since we last checked).
10 of the Best Dog Carriers for your Bike
You can continue to support Maggie and Oscar and their brilliant display of intrepid journeying here. You can read more about their adventure on Maggie’s website.
We’ve put together a gallery of some of our favourite photos that the pair shared with us during their Tour of Britain.