
Mums' Corner

How To: Entertain The Kids This Half Term

A few ideas to keep the kids out of your hair this half term holiday

If you’re lucky enough to have the week off with your kids, you could choose to organise a sponsored bike ride in your local village or town together.

Sponsored bike rides take a fair bit of organising but nothing that would be too difficult or tiresome to complete and there will be plenty that your kids could do themselves. From making banners and posters to handing out leaflets, collecting sponsorships and recruiting cyclists to participate, you could easily keep the kids occupied for the whole of the half term break.

Then of course you will all get to compete in the sponsored bike race at the end of the week together as a family and as you hand the cheque over to your chosen charity you’ll share a sense of pride over what you have achieved together in such a short time. And hopefully you will have had a lot of fun doing it too!

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