
Mums' Corner

How To: Entertain The Kids This Half Term

A few ideas to keep the kids out of your hair this half term holiday

We know it’s the obvious choice, but it’s also one of the most fun too. So many of our favourite childhood memories lay in bike rides gone wrong with Mum and Dad bickering over who took the wrong turn back there and whose responsibility it was to pack the the spare inner tube when one of us got a puncture (no one ever remembered the inner tube, of course). But it’s these sorts of days out that tie families together and that kids look back on with a sense of nostalgia once they leave home.

6 Ways To Stop Your Kids From Killing Each Other On Family Bike Rides

Where you go for your family bike ride entirely depends on how much time you can spare. If you’ve got the week off with your kids, why not plan a cycling holiday abroad in France or Spain? Or if it’s just a weekend, you could head to one of the UK’s best forests for cycling and spend your days pedalling and your evenings eating in country pubs and playing scrabble in front of the fire.

The Best Family Cycling Holidays

Of course, there’s no reason why you couldn’t keep it simple and plan just a day-long or half-day cycling. If your children are proficient enough cyclists you could stick to your local area and cycle between towns stopping off for lunch along the way. Or if road cycling makes you a bit weary, then run a search for children-friendly cycling routes near you on Sustran’s website.

Another great option for mum’s who would like to take the kids on a bike ride while dad’s at work but aren’t completely comfortable taking them out on their own, is to tag along on an organised Sky Ride. Your children will have lots of fun zipping back and forth with the other kids and you’ll get to relax in your saddle side by side with likeminded mums, not having to worry whether you’re going in the right direction or if there’s a tricky intersection ahead because it has all been organised for you.

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