Round 7: Happiness
Marianne realised that perhaps her time trial gear wasn't suited for a family ride in the park.
The MAMILs are coming!
Round 7: Happiness
I wanted to entitle this final section ‘drafting buses vs drafty buses’. Alas, it was just too cheesy. But it’s a good encompassment of all that’s right about cycling and wrong with commuting.
The human body likes to go fast. It’s exciting. And when that speed is a product of our own effort, it’s satisfying.
Also: sometimes cyclists let me high five them at the traffic lights. What a wonderful world.
6 Cycling Skills you Can Improve on your Commute
Anything Else
I’m sure spiritual enlightenment can be achieved in spite of taking a car, bus, train or tube to work. It’s possible. But why work at it so much harder, when cycling is there for you?
Come with me, public transport and car-based commuters. I’ll show you a world of pure, cycling imagination.