Round 6: Pain
Marianne realised that perhaps her time trial gear wasn't suited for a family ride in the park.
The MAMILs are coming!
Round 6: Pain
I’m currently so stiff that I have the gait of an 80 year old with osteoporosis AND haemorrhoids. And that’s because I’ve had a few days OFF from cycling.
Similarly, if you push yourself too hard on the bike, that opens up a whole other world of thigh/calf/mental pain.
Yes, cycling and suffering can go hand in hand. But for many (see earlier comment re: The Dutch), cycling is a normal activity that does not involve any physiological stress. Take it easy, ladies and gents.
Waterproof Your Commute: Waterproof Cycling Gear (and Cheap Cheats!)
Anything Else
Have you ever had a slightly angry commuter stab the heel of their umbrella into your toe as a punishment for accidentally brushing them on the shoulder at rush hour? YOU KNOW NOTHING OF PAIN.