Balance bikes have long been popular in other countries and in Switzerland you’re unlikely to see a small child on anything but a pedal-free set of wheels and now the craze is finally spreading around the UK too.
For a toddler, learning to ride a bike can be a scary task, especially if they’re skipping the tricycle stage and going straight for a two-wheeler. But with a balance bike, that initial fear is taken away from them as they are able to push off with their legs and start pushing themselves along, stopping as easily as they started.
Balance bikes are a great way to build a tot’s confidence on two wheels and to harness their cycling skills. After a year or two on a balance bike, it won’t take them two minutes to master a set of pedals too.
Need more information? Check out our comprehensive guide to buying your child’s first bike.
Have a flick through the gallery below to see a range of balance bikes available to purchase in the UK now.
To find out more about any of the featured balance bikes or to purchase one right away, click on the corresponding link below.
Wiggle Tour de France Pedal-Free Kids Bike
Raleigh Sunbeam Skedaddle 12″ Kids Bike
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