1) You think yelling ‘Strava’ makes overtaking someone acceptable in any location
2) You don’t stop when you see someone you know. You yell ‘Strava’ and catch them at the bottom
3) The first thing you do when you finish a run is whip out your phone
4) Your biggest rival in life is someone on your phone screen you’ve never met. He makes you angry

5) You spend the majority of your ride thinking of what to call it
6) You get uncontrollably upset if you forget to turn the app on before you ride
7) You often claim to unsympathetic loved ones that the girl who took your QOM was getting pulled by a car
8) You refresh Strava more than you talk to your family
9) You once turned down sex to go and ride a segment
10) You were one of the people that called for Lance Armstrong to be banned from Strava
11) You give ‘kudos’ to rivals that you secretly despise
12) You once flagged someone because you didn’t think their heart rate matched up to their speed
13) You set your weather app to locations of Strava rivals so you can work out whether or not they’ll be riding
14) You regularly Facebook stalk your biggest Strava rivals to see if you can work out their riding plans
15) You use the phrase: ‘if it’s not on Strava it didn’t happen’
16) You often talk about ‘sniping’ segments
17) You prefer riding by yourself so that nobody slows you down
18) You create new segments just so you can temporarily hold the QOM

19) You feel like you’re famous when you get a new QOM
20) You have actively attempted to find performance enhancing drugs on the internet
21) You once thought about using your car for a Strava segment. Then followed through on the thought
22) You couldn’t make it to the end of this list without refreshing Strava
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