In this day and age it’s so easy to commit to a million things and neglect time to yourself to regroup. We all want to achieve greatness career-wise, in our social lives and in our training but it can take a big toll on our bodies.
Recipe Collection: Fatigue Fighting Treats
We all know that there are inevitable life situations that get in the way of our sleep and it would be easy for us to just say “try and get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night”. Obviously, this would be ideal but it’s also worth acknowledging the steps involved to get to that point. The first step is to recognise the signs that you are over-tired and then make small changes to try and improve your mental and physical well-being.
Here are a few tell-tale signs that your candle is being burnt from both ends.

You can’t switch off
Spending countless hours in front of your laptop, playing on your phone and watching a gory film before bed are all modern-day vices that lead to being over-tired. It’s what people call being ‘wired’, when the mind is over-stimulated by graphic images, noise and sensory disruption.
Commuting to Work Makes you Feel More Lively
Tip: Log off and jog on. Instead of winding your mind up like a spring, get your body active. Go to the gym, get on your bike and get some fresh air or go for a run. Whilst it might seem like an oxymoron to cure being overtired by knackering out your body doing exercise, it might be just what you need to send you off to sleep. Rather than exposing your mind to flashy images and technology-induced stress, let it have a break and get your body moving. The endorphins will lift your mood and also make you sleepy in a natural way, allowing you to get a better quality of rest. Also try having a digital detox at least for an hour before you’re due to go to sleep so that your mind has a chance to wind-down before lights out.