Fact: cycling is fashionable. Technology, lifestyle aspirations and a real need to get around has us reaching for our bikes on a scale not witnessed since the Second World War. London is fast becoming the new Amsterdam.
And the UK’s other major cities aren’t far behind. Unlike Amsterdam, where endless droves of identical bikes stream past, fashion conscious UK cyclists ride BMXs, classic racers, folders, fixed-wheel bikes, even the (often very) odd recumbent.
These 21st century bikers are aligning themselves into tribes in which the choice of bike is an extension of their wardrobe and a direct reflection of their beliefs and aspirations in wider society, politics, music, fashion and, of course, art.
There are many tribes, including the largish one that isn’t so pleased that cycling’s fashionable, so if your tribe doesn’t really fit, don’t panic, this is a portable sport – when you have the heart, lungs and legs for one style you can re-invent yourself in any other.