The days are long, warm and balmy. The summer is finally here, and the weekend stretches out before you. How to spend it? We’ve got some great ideas for you, your friends and your bikes.
1. Picnic ride
Grab some friends, grab a bike, grab a bag of tasty nibbles and cycle out to your nearest park. Ride around to choose a prime spot and set up for the day. Bliss.

2. Explore your local National Cycle Network routes
Sustrans is the sustainable transport charity, and as part of their work they have developed the National Cycle Network. The routes are made up of everything from paths and bike lanes to redeveloped old railway lines. This means you can choose a beautiful, quiet, safe place to cycle, and concentrate on enjoying the ride!

3. Get a friend out on their bike
Do a good deed, have fun together and get some exercise – bring a friend who hasn’t cycled much out on their bike. Choose somewhere quiet, like a park or towpath, and focus on making it as enjoyable as possible. You could even join a Breeze ride together, and meet up with some local women who ride. We recommend cake to finish.

4. Cycle dinner party
A variation on a classic dinner party format. Each house hosts a different course, and guests move between locations. Our twist? We suggest you cycle between the courses. You’ll burn off the calories, shake up the atmosphere, and have loads to talk about. Just watch the vino!

5. Pick a random point…
… on the map, and ride to it! Have a proper little adventure. It’s a great way to explore your local area. Whether you ride country lanes or new single track, we guarantee you will see things you’ve never noticed before.
Happy cycling!

Headline image copyright Ian Westcott via Flickr