Cathy Bussey is a regular contributor to Total Women’s Cycling. She lives in South London with her husband Noel and their children. She is the author of three books ‘Brilliant PR’, ‘What To Do When You Win The Lottery’ and ‘The Girls Guide to Life on Two Wheels’. She is also a keen blogger who occasionally covers cycling.
Like many of us, Cathy starting cycling again some time after the initial excitement of being able to drive had worn off and rediscovering the joys involved has left her somewhat evangelical on the matter. Rather than bending ears at parties though, Cathy created a rather beautiful book as an outlet for her born-again bicycle-based enthusiasm.
‘The Girls Guide to Life on Two Wheels’ is very much a ‘how to’ guide for new and tentative cyclists and those of us who have been ‘out of the game’ for too long. It fizzes with enthusiasm and is full of helpful, practical information to help you get back on two wheels again. The topics it covers include basics such as ‘why cycle?’ and ‘how to choose a bike’ in unfussy, clear language. No chat about derailleurs and differentials here. She also covers things like bike types and road positioning, which are elementary but pretty essential pieces of information. In addition to all this no-frills advice and encouragement, the book also includes a chapter on cycling style, with discussion on clothes that are comfortable, practical and safe to wear on your bike, but remain stylish once you get off at the other end.