Video footage from IG London Nocturne reveals that Hannah Barnes (MG Maxifuel), not Laura Trott (Wiggle Honda), crossed the line first at the Rapha Elite Women’s Criterium on Saturday, so why did Barnes end up second?

The event organisers, FACE Partnership, after reviewing footage for a Channel 4 highlights show to be aired on Sunday at 7:35am have admitted that “it is clear” Hannah Barnes crossed the finish line first.
However, commissaires (race officials/referees to you and me) from British Cycling ruled that Barnes had contested the sprint dangerously and relegated Barnes one place to second, thereby awarding Laura Trott victory, on the following basis:
On examining photofinish, race officials determined that the actual finishing order was reversed.
However, given the leaders’ proximity in the sprint to a slower group of riders ahead on the road [and an imminent need to brake], officials have given consideration to Technical Regulations 12.1* and 20.12.2** and allowed the provisional result to stand.
No further disciplinary action has been deemed necessary or appropriate.
Photographs and video show Barnes lifting her hands off the handlebars before crossing the finish line, while close to riders who were about to be lapped.
We had someone on site covering the event and we’ve managed to capture the moment Barnes lifts her hands off.
London Nocturne – Womens Crit Finish a Road Cycling video by thebaker
For us it raises a couple of questions;
– Yes, you can see that Barnes lifts her hands for a nanosecond, but should that warrant relegation to second place even though she crossed the finish line first?
– Would it have been the same result if the lapped riders were pulled out of the race for safety reasons?
– If Barnes’ win was so obvious, why was the reasoning behind her coming in second not highlighted on the evening?
While the news was breaking this morning, Hannah Barnes Tweeted ‘Has anyone ever been relegated for putting their arms up crossing the line celebrating the win or am I the first? #ignocture‘
Some people are now even picking up on the fact that Trott was wearing overshoes, stating she should be banned under Regulation 1.3.033***.
Event organisers FACE Partnership support the decision made by British Cycling Race Commissaires.
What do you think? Did the Commissaires act fairly?
* 12.1 – Depending on the nature of the offence, commissaires may at their discretion impose a range of penalties upon riders, managers, helpers or officials. Such penalties may range from a reprimand/warning, relegation, time or points penalty, disqualification or a fine.
** 20.12.2 – All competitors must observe the law of the land in relation to road travel, and exercise extreme care when contesting sprints or primes. All forms of traffic signals and direction indicators must be obeyed. Competitors who ride dangerously shall be liable to disqualification and may be subject to further disciplinary action under the Disciplinary Rules. Race officials must not attempt to regulate other traffic on the road.
***1.3.033 – It is forbidden to wear non-essential items of clothing or items designed to influence the performances of a rider suchas reducingair resistanceor modifying the body of the rider (compression, stretching, support).
Items of clothing or equipment may be considered essential where weather conditions make them appropriate for the safety or the health of the rider. In this case, the nature and texture of the clothing or equipment must be clearly and solely justified by the need to protect the rider from bad weather conditions. Discretion in this respect is left to the race commissaires.
The use of shoe covers is prohibited during events on a coveredtrack.
Equipment (helmets,shoes, jerseys,shorts, etc.) worn by the rider may not be adapted to serve any other purpose apart from that of clothing or safety by the addition or incorporation of mechanical or electronic systems which are not approved as technical innovations under article 1.3.004.