The feature that prevents the dreaded ‘my cup runneth over’ moment, which results in you calculating the cost of destruction of your favourite chamois or poshest pants, is probably the most useful.
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In addition, it will keep a track of your calendar, and send you a helpful hint when you’re due to begin your (in LOONCUP’s words) “special time”. Not only that, LOONCUP claim that the device can also tell you about the quality of your sleep, or if you’re stressed, based on the hue of your menses.
Interestingly, however, they d0 state that the LOONCUP is not designed for medical purposes, and some doctors seem a bit unconvinced by the health measuring functions.
The app can be downloaded via the Google Pay store or to an Apple device (including the watch). It has a single use battery that will last around six months, and Earlybird prices on their Kickstarter page start at $35.
Semi-amusingly, you can’t wear one when going through airport security, in case the device in your hoo-ha sets of the X-ray machine, resulting in a very awkward conversation.
LOONCUP has been created by a group of 5 women and 3 men, including members with PHDs in medical engineering, product designers and of course marketers. They say: “We are a group of thoughtful people who want to make a difference in women’s lives. We want to change how women think about their periods. It’s true that it’s no fun, but remember this: a healthy period is also a great sign that everything is normal. We want women to free themselves and get the information they need to lead healthier, more active lives. You can’t avoid your period, so let’s make it better together!”
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