To kick start the week, we’re giving away a Blackburn Mountain Air Mini Pump. Although the name may suggest it’s only suitable for MTBing, don’t panic roadies, this one’s for you too.
Here’s what the manufacturers say:
- ANYVALVE Head works with Presta, Schrader and Dunlop valves automatically
- Tough aluminium barrel
- Rebuildable internals
- Lifetime warranty
All you have to do folks is to answer the question below and fill in your details, what could be simpler than that?

TERMS & CONDITIONS: By entering you are agreeing to receive details of future offers and promotions from Factory Media and related third parties. This giveaway will close on Thursday 28th March.
PERSONAL STATEMENT: By entering I also confirm I have read and accept the terms & conditions of the prize draw, competition rules and privacy policy.