Online retailer VeloVixen are taking the world of women’s cycle clothing and accessories by storm, selling a hand-picked range of products from over 30 brands they say “represent the very best and most innovative example of female cycling clothing.”
Set up by husband and wife team Phil and Liz Bingham after a life-changing 10,300km cycle together. The couple were astounded by the lack of choice available to Liz when deciding what kit to take on the ride:
We had ridden through 100kph winds, altitudes of over 15,000ft and countless thigh-burning climbs. We slept in over 200 spots. We laughed, cried, sweated and shivered – and in my case, all in 13 items of clothing. One of the biggest challenges was finding those 13 items of clothing.
Returning from their ride, the Binghams decided to do something about the lack of cycling clothes and accessories for women and VeloVixen was born. Many of the products they stock are created by female cyclists, for female cyclists, such as designers Ana Nichoola, Water Off a Duck’s Back and Georgia in Dublin so you can be assured that our feminine form has been taken into account!
To get us in the mood for the upcoming 100th edition of the Tour de France, VeloVixen are celebrating with a French themed competition.

Café du Cycliste, one of the brands VeloVixen stock, was born on the Cote D’Azur, producing cycling jerseys made from the finest materials with a retro look, allowing you to perform to your best while look elegant and stylish on your bike!
First prize: one lucky reader will have the pick of any Café du Cycliste top
Runners up: VeloVixen have kindly donated 5 runners up prizes of £25 vouchers to be spent on their site
To enter, simply answer the question below and fill in your details!
Bonne chance!
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Competition closes Wednesday 3rd July
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