British cycling brand Morvelo recently sent one of their new mtb tops for me to try – and it got me reflecting on how far mtb wear for women has come since I started riding many years ago.
Words: Adele Mitchell
Like many of us, my first mtb rides were dependent on borrowed kit – a bike that was too big, and shorts and a top (also too big) from my OH’s bike kit drawer.
Having decided that mountain biking was like THE BEST THING EVER I soon invested in a bike that fitted (and two more since!).
However finding gear that fitted was more of an issue because, basically, women’s mtb gear didn’t really exist.
When a toddler pointed at me on my bike and shouted “Look mum!! A mountain bike man!!” I had to acknowledge that he had a point.
Instead, there was a smattering of women’s road gear available – pink, flowery, and cut for someone considerably shorter than me. Men’s gear offered more cover – but wasn’t exactly flattering. When a toddler pointed at me on my bike and shouted “Look mum!! A mountain bike man!!” I had to acknowledge that he had a point.