She lists this speech by a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias as one of her favourites
I've dyed my hair pink and purple and now I feel a lot better about the world.
A photo posted by Katie Archibald (@_katiearchibald) on
"Oh hey there. I'm Katie Archibald and I'm just casually hanging out with my mates Laura Trott and Marianne Vos on the Revolution Series podium. No biggy."
Fun game, was it my left or right wisdom tooth that was ripped from my person with pliers?
A photo posted by Katie Archibald (@_katiearchibald) on
A photo posted by Katie Archibald (@_katiearchibald) on
One of my team mates is keeping with the @adidasuk socks and slides.. But which one is it?
A photo posted by Laura Trott (@laura_trott31) on
@_suziemccracken Ha, brilliant topic. Probably my ability to crash and not hurt myself, I'd rate that as one of my top skills.
— Katie Archibald (@_katiearchibald) January 7, 2015
She lists this speech by a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias as one of her favourites
Twice has Katie blogged about the famous scene from the book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy where a sperm whale is unexpectedly brought into existence and must come to terms with reality.
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It is a fantastic monologue penned by the late, great Douglas Adams and we appreciate that Ms Archibald also appreciates this passage. What does the bowl of petunias think, I hear you ask? You’ll have to watch the video from the Hitchhikers film above, to find out.