Round 1: Effort
Marianne realised that perhaps her time trial gear wasn't suited for a family ride in the park.
The MAMILs are coming!
Round 1: Effort
I don’t wear a heart-rate monitor, but I’d gauge my daily cycling effort at ‘medium’ (that’s the technical term). I get a little bit of a pant on and hope that my heart doesn’t explode. It makes me feel better because I don’t have time for much other exercise in my life. Unless you count the arm muscles I’ve been honing by spooning cake mix into my mouth.
But here’s the beauty of a cycle commute: you can put as much or as little effort into it as you like. You can roll into work without so much as a sweat patch, or you can use your commute as part of your training plan for the season.
Outfit finder: The committed winter commuter
Anything Else
When it comes to public transport, the fact you have to go further than an inch from your door in order to find a bus stop or train station feels like a blasphemous notion to a cyclist.
You also have to make sure you have the correct change available for whatever journey you wish to make. If you commute by car, you have to fill up the tank with petrol. I understand that bikes need to be maintained… but there’s something about the sweatiness of being inside a large people-transporting box that makes the thought of all these extra bits super stressful. I feel suffocated just thinking about it.