Combined Contraceptive Pill
Combined Contraceptive Pill
The combined pill is the most popular, and contains oestrogen and progestogen – these prevent ovulation.
- Taken daily, the pill is said to be 99 per cent effective when used correctly. It is easy to take, very convenient, and for many women has a positive impact on PMS.
- Many women report side effects such as mood swings, weight gain, nausea, tenderness and headaches.
- A recent study of 90 women showed that those on the pill had lower cortical thickness measurements in the brain – which scientists said would affect decision making, and emotional process as well as memory.
- Dr Sims told us that the pill has a significant effect on performance – resulting in women being more likely to suffer from over training.
- Slightly elevated risk of high blood pressure, blood clots and breast cancer
- Not suitable for women over 35 or who smoke