You can't always ride your best, and be at your fastest
Melanie's aero bars weren't quite making up for the calorie deficit
Sam thought about taking a 'pre-ride can't sleep selfie' to add credibility to her excuse
Tricia hoped no one would notice if she tightened her brakes up at the end of the ride...
Amy hoped if she sat by the side of the road like this someone might take sympathy
Mary wasn't sure if the other riders would hear her shouting "slow down!" in their alien helmets
Lisa breathed a sigh of relief: "It's going down!"
Image: Brandon O'Connor
We’ve all been there – you’re riding with a group and somehow your legs just feel like they’re on fire, despite the fact you’re dropping out the back. Not cool!
How to Make a 30 Minute Ride Count
At this point, you could just admit that you’re not on top form, or perhaps the group is actually just a wee bit stronger than you. Instead, most of us like to fish around for a good reason – here are some of the excuses we’ve heard (*ahem* used…).
Jokes aside, there’s some advice on how to cope with this sort of situation in future on the last slide.