Yoga for cyclists: Childs pose by Total Women’s Cycling a Road Cycling video by Total Women’s Cycling
The Childs pose is essentially a resting pose and can be used in between any of the other poses in this series. It is also a forward bending pose which gently stretches thighs, hips and ankles as well as releasing tension in the back and the neck.
How to do the Childs pose:
- Begin on all fours with the hands shoulder width apart and the knees hip width apart
- From that position, bring the big toes together, knees hip width apart and sit back onto the heels
- Rest the belly, ribs and chest onto the thighs and allow the head to soften down towards the floor
- Arms can either be stretched out in front of you or back by the sides of the hips with the backs of the hands on the floor, palms facing up
- Allow the head to completely release
- Let the shoulder blades separate creating space in the upper back
- Soften the tailbone down towards the heels
- Breath into the back of the body to create space and openness in the spine
- Stay here for as long as you like.
What to watch out for
- If you find it hard to reach the heels use a folded blanket between the thighs and the calves
- Be careful if you have any knee injuries.
Our instructor is Polly Clark; yoga teacher and founder of Mountain Yoga Breaks who offer weekends combining mountain biking and yoga in the beautiful Welsh countryside.