If you know any yogis, you will have heard them joking about the ‘savasana’, the rest period at the end of a class, being their favourite part of a yoga sequence.
While relaxation is the least physically demanding part of any yoga routine, that doesn’t mean it any less important than the rest. While many cyclists are used to putting our bodies under stress, we’re not so used to making them take time out and relax.
We know that a bike ride is often the best way to clear the head – but variety is key and a little meditation and silence can help you to take some time to assess your body, where it’s weak or tight, and your goals and limitations.
Abi Carver has been sharing 15 minute yoga sessions with us for the past couple of weeks, and this week is no different. Except that this time, her session is all about relaxing. And not the sort of muscle hammering relaxation most cyclists are used to…