Stilettos on Wheels is a ladies only XC race aiming to get more females into the sport. Open to all abilities – ladies can race a two or four hour race individually or a four hour race as a pair.
The rounds are being held in Rother Valley Country Park, South Yorkshire, and in Brighton, East Sussex. Expert advice is available online via their website and Facebook for all who are unsure of what to expect and what they need to bring. The event organisers also give ladies the opportunity to try pre-race ride days on the course to tackle it and see if they feel comfortable enough to compete. 2013 is the second year of Stilettos on Wheels, with around 90 women racing the two rounds in 2012, entries were opened for year two as the event had proved popular.
There are prizes on offer for the top three finishers in each category as well as individual prizes for other riders based on other merits. The series is inspired by a Danish race series, Heels on Wheels, which has been running for four years, SOW saw the potential to run a similar event in the UK, and the series was created. Sponsors include Torq, Ana Nichoola, Je James Cycles, Madison.co.uk and I love Girl Riders, all providing support and prizes for the SOW races.
To enter you can visit the website. Entry costs vary between £25-40 depending on category and length of the ride.