The reaction we received to our period article was phenomenal. We want to be able to support you through that difficult time of the month, so we contacted the lovely folk at Femmecup who make menstrual cups. Look at what they’ve given us!

We’re giving away not one, but TWO Femmecup menstrual cup Twin Packs and handy storage bags.
For active women this is the sanitary protection to choose. Already used by millions of women around the World, menstrual cups are an established alternative to tampons.
- Convenient, discreet, comfortable; no strings, wings, chafing or odours
- Ultra healthy; no nasty chemicals, fibres or irritation and no TSS
- Green; it’s reusable so less waste and less pollution
- Low cost; save up to 97% in comparison to tampons or pads
To get your mitts on one of the Twin Packs, just answer the question below and fill in your details.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: By entering you are agreeing to receive details of future offers and promotions from Factory Media and related third parties. This giveaway will close on Thursday 18th April.
PERSONAL STATEMENT: By entering I also confirm I have read and accept the terms & conditions of the prize draw, competition rules and privacy policy.