With the cost of fuel and public transport on the rise, and the nation’s desire to improve their health, commuting to work by bicycle has become an ever more viable option for women.
While cycling to work and around town can seem a little daunting with most women stating that their concerns lie in safety and confidence, commuting by bike not only helps save the pennies but it can also improve your fitness and mental well-being. If you’re worried about cycling safety, we have a number of helpful guides that will keep you upright and gain some much-needed confidence:
7 Things you need to be able to do on a bike for a safer commute
Defensive cycling tips for improved confidence
One important way to gain some confidence on the streets is by having the right kit and of course, a decent bike. A city bike doesn’t have to be the lightest or fastest and it certainly doesn’t need to have the latest tech or ‘bling’ fitted – if anything, that would make your bike a target for opportunistic thieves! A city bike only needs to tick a few boxes really – simplicity, durability, style and most of all, affordable.
Fortunately for us, Mango Bikes not only ticks all these boxes, but they also exceed all expectations of a city bike.
Mango Bikes: The Who