Being uncomfortable on your saddle can absolutely ruin a ride – so it’s not surprising that an unhappy undercarriage is one of the key reasons women often give for breaking up with their bike.
It honestly doesn’t have to be that way. Whilst the idea of a ‘soul mate’ is disputable, there certainly is a saddle-mate out there for every bum – it’s really just a case of finding it.
The major difficulty when searching for the perfect saddle is you can’t really rely on a friend’s good opinion, positive reviews or the advice of a shop assistant – because everyone is different. Instead, you have to try saddles out to work out what you do and don’t like. Admittedly, this can get expensive – but there are indeed ways of reducing the cost.
Personally, I’m lucky enough to have found my dream saddle – but it took quite a few uncomfortable experiences to get there. Wearing two pairs of shorts and swimming in chamois cream? Been there. Standing up to pedal every mile? Been there. Unable to pee after a ride? Been there too. So, before providing advice, I’m going to share my own journey.
Finding My Perfect Saddle

My first ever saddle came with my Specialized Dolce road bike – and it was a Specialized Jett. At the time, I was riding my bike perhaps two to three times a week, and it lasted me for at least a year fairly comfortably. However, it’s quite padded in the centre, and after some time I found that the padding began to sag. At £50 a pop, I got a good amount of use out if it but it wasn’t to be my ‘forever perch’.