The Trusty Gilet
The autumn colours are best viewed by bike, we reckon. Image copyright GOLDTOP via Flickr
No leg warmers unless it's really cold!
Image: Rapha
The Trusty Gilet
A persistent breeze is a common unwelcome companion on autumn rides. Continual pummeling isn’t just annoying when it slows you down – it can cause you to feel colder than the temperature should warrant – which is why the ‘feels like’ temperature is usually significantly lower than the actual reading.
Your Essential Bike Maintenance Kit
Usually, it’s not cool enough for you to want or need a full on jacket – but a light gilet keeps the worst of the chill off. Not only that, but (sensing a theme here?!) if you you find you warm up, most gilets can be packed into a backpocket when no longer needed.
A bright gilet is also a helpful addition in low light – and many come in bright flouro colours. What you go for will come down to personal preference, but something bright can act as a versatile high viz accessory you can pull on in when the dusk begins to set in.