Nothing beats the feeling of achievement. Coming to the end of a gruelling climb or seeing the finishing gantry, offers a feeling of utter elation. And from time to time we all get a little carried away. We are transported from our everyday lives and for a split second we are living a completely different existence.
Nothing epitomised this feeling better than the pictures that have been gracing Facebook over the past few days of a London Revolution rider’s moment of glory…albeit one that went slightly wrong!

For 36-year-old, Matt Adams, an IT manager from Basingstoke, that moment came at Box Hill during the Mitie London Revolution last weekend. As Adams reached the summit on Box Hill’s infamous climb, the father of two spotted a photographer and proud as punch, Adams thrust his arms in the air just as so many Tour de France champions have done before him.
Unfortunately Adams suffered quite a literal crash back to reality when he lost balance and ended up head first in the ditch. Not so slick.
Speaking to The Telegraph, Adams explained the sequence of events:
“I saw the cameraman at the top so I thought I would do a little victory gesture, like they do in the Tour de France when they cross the finishing line,” he explained.
“But we were still on an incline and the front wheel just buckled, and I went straight over the handlebars a couple of hundred metres from the top.”
Luckily, Adams suffered no more than a small bruise to his ego. But there was no hiding from the misdemeanor as the sequence of pictures were posted on Facebook after the event. Thankfully Adams took it all in his stride: “I laughed quite a lot, I guess nothing ever happens like that so I’ve got my five minutes of fame,” he said.

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