Earlier this month, Vaude one of Europe’s leading mountain sports brands gave you the chance to win a Cluster 10 + 3 rucksack, a great commuter companion.
We asked you what’s the one thing you can’t be without in your backpack? There were some rather interesting answers, including:
My trusty yellow spork!
Front door keys. It’s great to be out cycling but once I’m home, I want to get inside!
My pump… Because the day it isn’t in there will the day I need it!
Scroll down to find out who the lucky winner of the backpack is…

The winner of a Vaude Cluster 10 + 3 backpack is the sensible Sarah Hesslegrave.
Sarah’s response to what she can’t be without in her backpack when out cycling was:
A spare inner tube, so a day out riding isn’t ruined by a puncture!
If you weren’t lucky enough to win this competition, don’t forget you’ve still got the chance to win a brand new bike with Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op.