Most of us have at some point seen a Facebook post or tweet mourning the loss of a stolen bike and imploring followers to keep an eye out for missing property. Sadly, the outcome is rarely positive. However, it does happen – as the story of Steven Lovelock demonstrates.
Lovelock lost his bike last month but had it returned in less than three hours thanks to action from local police who matched the bike to the owner using the BikeRegister database.

The black Genesis was taken from a bike shed in south east London by thieves who destroyed the lock with bolt cutter. Its owner made the alarming discovery on an otherwise normal Monday Morning.
Lovelock purchased his bike via the Cyclescheme, so it was already registered with the BikeRegister database. As well as taking photos and notifying police, he uploaded a photo of the bike to the database at 10.40am, along with the frame number.