Fancy an Exclusive Women’s Evening with Specialized, featuring Michelin Star food and lots of cycling fitness advice?
Specialized have been looking after our cycling needs with their Women’s Body Geometry range for years. Not content with offering us a wide range of female specific clobber and bikes, they’re now inviting you to join them for an evening with friends, including some top-notch food and fitness advice.
The event is being hosted in Specialized’s Newbury Concept Store, and you’ll need to be free on Thursday 18th April from 7:00pm.
The Specialized Exclusive Women’s evening will include:
- Tasty food and nutrition advice from Michelin Star chef, Alan Muchison.
- Endurance athlete, Louise Damen will be giving the lowdown on the importance of fitness.
- Camilla Campbell Yoga will be presenting how yoga can help you get the best out of cycling.
- For all those that attend on the night, Specialized will treat you to a free goody bag and entry into a competition to win a Body Geometry Fit worth £200.
So what are you waiting for? Places are limited so to avoid disappointment and for more information visit www.specializedpromotions.co.uk/lifestyle to register.
Total Women’s Cycling will be in attendance, so come on down and introduce yourself, it would be great to meet you.
DATE – 18th April 2013
VENUE – Specialized Concept Store, 3 & 7 Norman House, Hambridge Road, Newbury, RG14 5XA
PHONE – 01635 33736