Dave Sims, an amateur cyclist is planning on riding the Tour de France route on a Raleigh Chopper. The 36-year-old will tackle the 2,077 mile route using a modern version of the 70s classic.

Sims is taking on this gruelling challenge to not only raise money for charity but to show people that you do not need the most expensive bike in the world to get out there and have some wonderful adventures.
Speaking to the Mirror newspaper, Sims who is a personal trainer spoke of how he is eager to encourage more people to get out there and ride a bike:
“Part of the motivation was to show you don’t need a £10,000 bike to do amazing things on.
“My bike cost me £100, and I’m doing the Tour on it. With a bike, it’s mostly to do with the engine.
“In the last five years the cost of road cycling has sky rocketed but you don’t need all that, you just need to get out and ride.

“The other side of the challenge is to raise as much money for Help for Heroes as possible. Doing it on a Chopper adds a bit of comedy and fun to the event.”
Sims who will set off two days before the Tour de France kicks off in July insists that very few alterations have been made to his Chopper.

“I’ve made as few changes as possible. It’s got the original tyres.
“The main things I’ve changed is the seat post and the pedal arms as it was originally designed for kids
“On the first part of the race through northern France there are lots of terrible cobbles, so a guy made me really strong wheels as I kept breaking spokes. I’ve also have better brakes.”
You can support Sim’s incredible challenge here. You can also keep up to date on Sim’s progress by following him on Strava.