There are a variety of features that you’ll encounter on any given trail, conquering some may come naturally to you, and others may stop you in your tracks… literally.
One of the best things about mountain biking is the challenge of navigating varying terrain, feeling the bumps, lumps and jumps as you hurtle your way down the trail. It’s exciting, and sometimes you never know what you’re going to come up against.
However, there’s nothing worse than getting stuck on a feature and having to push around an obstacle that disrupts your flow and has you kicking yourself. Everyone will have their problem areas as well. For some it’s drops, for other it’s roots, but for today, it’s rock gardens we’re looking at.
Rock gardens can be the ultimate challenge, no two are alike and they look pretty intimidating if you’re not familiar with them. They’re scattered, jagged, hard and taking them slow is often a big no no.
So how can you safely conquer these rocky features?